MaxentVariableSelection 1.0-3 (2018-01-23)

Updated the vignette and added DOIs to the cited references in the description. Also added a small executable in the example section of the main function VariableSelection().

MaxentVariableSelection 1.0-2 (2016-04-02)

Corrected text version of package citation

MaxentVariableSelection 1.0-1 (2016-03-31)

Updated the citation of the 'MaxentVariableSelection' to Jueterbock A, Smolina I, Coyer JA and Hoarau, G (2016) The fate of the Arctic seaweed Fucus distichus under climate change: an ecological niche modelling approach. Ecology and Evolution 6(6), 1712-1724

MaxentVariableSelection 1.0-0 (2015-09-23)

Initial release on github while associated paper is submitted to Journal of Biogeogrpahy. The package will be uploaded on CRAN upon acceptance of the manuscript